Curriculum vitae
He was a research associate at the Faculty of Law / University of Hamburg and has a doctorate. Besides representing cases he writes for newspapers and magazines about law issues. One of the papers he is writing for is the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. He too works for the german public broadcasting companies WDR, SWR and Deutschlandfunk.
Oliver Tolmein is specialized in disability law, contract and media law, bioethics and in international criminal law. He has earned the diploma in International Humanitarian Law of the European Law Academy / Firenze in 2000.
You can contact Oliver Tolmein for cases, research projects and lectures in bioethics, international criminal law and ethical aspects in law.
"One simply doesn't get massacres on that scale as a problem which an ordinary legal system would have to cope with in a national setting"
Interview with Christopher Greenwood, QC, Professor for International Law at the London School of Economics about the legitimacy of humanitarian intervention. The interview was broadcasted on Deutschlandfunk Koeln, January 9, 2000. A german translation will be published together with other interviews on international law in: Oliver Tolmein, Welt Macht Recht - Konfliktregulierung im internationalen System nach dem Kosovo-Krieg, Konkret Literatur Verlag, Hamburg
Read the full interview with Christopher Greenwood
The Case of Peter Singer
A liberal theorist of "euthanasia" and National Socialism by Oliver Tolmein (translation from German: Alain Kessi)
[Source: Oliver Tolmein, Wann ist der Mensch ein Mensch? Ethik auf Abwegen. (When is a human being a human being? Ethics gone astray.) Munich/Vienna 1993, pp. 57-76]
Read more about The Case of Peter Singer
"Now We Must Find Ways To Be Released ..."
Interview With Political Prisoner Helmut Pohl On The Politics Of The Red Army Fraction (RAF) from Oliver Tolmein; published in Konkret 6/96
The hidden gender
Documentary on Intersex by Oliver Tolmein and Bertram Rotermund.
Read more about "The hidden gender"